Kettlebells...Twice the results, half the time?

January 22, 2010
Here is a study completed by the ACE fitness gurus on the growing popularity of kettlebells.  It is quite fascinating and really digs into the idea behind kettlebells and what they are all about.  I would suggest this article to anyone who has been interested in the idea of kettlebells or has already worked out with them.  You will definately learn something you probably didn't already know, so don't be bashful about it.

Have a Great & Safe Weekend!

Can You Get Fit in 6minutes a Day?

January 19, 2010

There is definately an abundance of quick hit programs out there that say you can get fit by only working out for 6 minutes a day during the week.  However, is this actually possible or is it just a marketing ploy?  I would suggest that if you want to really know the answer, read this article.  You will enjoy the read and by the end you will too know the answer to this important question.

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Martin Luther King Jr.

January 18, 2010
This is a day that carries so much history for our country, that we would be doing this great man a great inservice if we did not take a second to honor the great achievments he made.  Here is a link to some of the history behind him and some of his accomplishments for all of us to check out and learn a little bit more.  We can not be hurt by learning more about diversity and what our country went through to have peace with this idea today.,_Jr._...
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7 Ways to Change Your Life

January 15, 2010
Typically we all go through a period of time where we are looking for ways to change our bad habits or get our lives back on track.  I thought this would be a good starting place for any of us who are going through that right now or might in the future.  Also, it is good read for the everyone because they are great healthy tips that we can all take a little bit of information from as well.
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Calorie Burning in hot or warm weather?

January 15, 2010
Here is a simple question and answer segment to a common question we all have.  It tackles how the body responds to burning calories in the chilly winter months versus the warmer summer months.  Again, it is an easy read, quick too, that you'll definately like!
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Soul warming Mac & Cheese

January 13, 2010

The past weeks have been quite chilly down here and I thought that everyone would enjoy a body warming recipe for Mac & Cheese.  It is a timeless classic but here is a healthy spin on what we all grew up on.  Try it and let us know how you like it.

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Daily walking start-up

January 11, 2010
Here is a neat gadget that you can use to get out of the holiday rut and back into your fitness groove.  We all know that it is easy to get away from our habits while we are in the holiday season but it is now time to get back to it.  Click on this link and follow it and you will head to a quick and easy start up for a daily walking program that will have you back in your groove in no time.

This is something fun that you can do with friends and family. ...
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Easy fast meals...right or wrong?

January 10, 2010
So you may think that going out to eat or picking up something quick in the store is good for you because it says so on the nutrition label, but it may not.  This is the study that has come out that shows some disperity between what is actual nutrition and what they put on the label.  It is actually quite surprising and a must read for everyone.
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What Time is Best?

January 7, 2010
For all of us who wonder when the best time to workout is, here is an article that can help.  It tackles a lot of the common misconceptions with workout timing and other important issues as well.  I think you will certainly enjoy this; however, make sure to not misinterprate this to mean that if you cannot workout at the desired times then you shouldn't workout at all.  At the end of the day the most important factor in good health and fitness is that you are active!
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Barefoot Running

January 7, 2010
Here is an article for some advanced reading on the benefits of barefoot running.  Also, it looks at the moving epidemic of people who are heading toward a barefoot lifestyle.  I really enjoyed the intersting views this article takes and I think you will too.
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